What is Art*o*mat®?

What is Art*o*mat®? Created by Clark Whittington in 1997, Art*o*mat® machines are retired cigarette machines that have been converted to VEND ART! For only $5 you can collect paintings, drawings, sculpture, photography, jewelry, glass, mixed media and more -all the size of a pack of cigarettes. There are over 100 active machines in various locations throughout the country. Victoria Brown (that's me), and El Centro de Santa Fe are proud to host the first machine in New Mexico which debuted in February 2013. There are now 8 machines in northern New Mexico (Santa Fe and Albuquerque area). @ARToMatNM on Facebook/Instagram

Monday, November 24, 2014

Art*o*mat® Is Now In 4 Locations For You!

Greetings Art*o*mat® friends and fans! I now have four fabulous art vending machines for you to explore and enjoy! Last week I installed two new machines: in the Range Cafe in Bernalillo and in the Standard Diner in downtown Albuquerque.  Scroll down to past posts to see installation photos. Please visit my new locations -and come hungry because they're both really great restaurants. And since it's almost time to jingle those bells remember Art*o*mat® makes great stocking stuffers!
Christmas is coming and Art*o*mat® makes great STOCKING STUFFERS!

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