What is Art*o*mat®?

What is Art*o*mat®? Created by Clark Whittington in 1997, Art*o*mat® machines are retired cigarette machines that have been converted to VEND ART! For only $5 you can collect paintings, drawings, sculpture, photography, jewelry, glass, mixed media and more -all the size of a pack of cigarettes. There are over 100 active machines in various locations throughout the country. Victoria Brown (that's me), and El Centro de Santa Fe are proud to host the first machine in New Mexico which debuted in February 2013. There are now 8 machines in northern New Mexico (Santa Fe and Albuquerque area). @ARToMatNM on Facebook/Instagram

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Art*o*mat® Machine Update

Hieronymus has created a masterpiece!

Greetings Art*o*mat Friends and Fans!

I have some lovely news to share: This Art*o*mat® by painter, Hieronymus, is finished and on its way to New Mexico! Hieronymus (Hiero) is a graffiti artist and this is his interpretation of Art*o*mat® -what a colorful result! I cannot wait to see it in person. It will be installed in Albuquerque at the Range Cafe (Rio Grande location) at 1050 Rio Grande Blvd. NW soon. Stay tuned for details.

Art*o*mat® in progress: painter Jennifer O'Kelley has captured ABQ's Sandia Peak in the background of this hot air balloon themed machine to be installed in the Anderson-Abruzzo International Balloon Museum.
Also, painter Jennifer O'Kelly is hard at work on the 20 column Art*o*mat® that will be installed in the Anderson-Abruzzo International Balloon Museum in a few months' time. I'm really excited about how very Albuquerque this machine is going to be. You can already see the outline in the background of Sandia Peak -the mountain that frames the city and gives it its very special hot air ballooning phenomenon, The Albuquerque Box.

And finally, ArtOMatNM now has its own local Facebook and Instagram in addition to artomat.org's national pages. Get social and share some pics, ideas, likes, bleeps, bloops, and interwebz stuff with me!